Water Good Idea is a non-profit educational & agricultural organisation helping communities to be happy, healthy & well informed

How do we work?

Technology & Innovation

Partnering with Local Communities

Utilizing and adapting technologies familiar to the developed world, we can provide teachers, parents, and students with products and services to improve learning and decision-making.

By nurturing relationships with likeminded organizations and private individuals, we're able to unlock new sources of capital and scale up our work far beyond what traditional funding can do alone.

Have you ever noticed how everybody is getting used to using payment cards, attached to their secure device at all times. Do you know how difficult it is to make a CD for your grandparents these days? Bluetooth can go suck a lemon, and is laggy anyway. Plug and play wins the day. Cash means you cant be switched off at the whim of a corrupt government, and the UK is yet to make a rational explanation as to why 40billion of cash went missing. Anyway, this is how we work. We don't take any crap from anybody, and when our ultimate goals are met, we expect to not have to exist as a company anymore. This is because a cancer charity needs people to have cancer, and that is why they make adverts glorifying sugar. We exist because we are not a bunch of cunts, basically, and thats the truth. If you want to get healthy, send us a message and i guarantee you it will be of more use that whatever it is you have been fed from the mainstream. Ps: check out the 20 pound note and the federal reserve bat coin. (this is just a place holder)

Work in progress -

To make a lasting impact, we know that we must actively engage and include the communities we are seeking to help. We are continually learning and growing in how we show up as an authentic, ethical partner.

Our team


With a background in business finance and having grown up in a developing community with limited access to basic educational supplies, David builds relationships with our key investors and partners.


With a masters degree in Early Childhood Education, as well as strong ties to some of our most important communities, Natacha is influential in shaping our education policies, proposals, and fundraising rounds. 



“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.”

– Mark Van Doren