Our main mission is to support communities through various forms of education, agriculture & access to clean water

Our main project of 2024/2025 is to support a Ugandan orphanage, with long terms goals of self sufficiency upon their own land in the Jinja district. We are excited to help educate the youth in terms of modern agricultural techniques, so as to not only survive, but thrive!

Previous Projects

Urban Agricultural Development Program

This year we be mostly growing Swiss Chard. It is an incredibly hardy crop that did us proud last year, and provided plenty of edible food that just kept growing back! Interestingly, it has a wide range of health benefits. Per 100g it provides a whopping 1032% vitamin K, 122% vitamin A and 50% RDA vitamin C.

Chard is a strong anti-oxidant, treats anaemia, promotes bone development, prevents cardiovascular disease, promotes digestion, boosts cognitive development, maintains healthy hair*skin*nails, improves muscle function, improves eye health, helps manage and prevent diabetes and even helps prevent cancer. It contains flavonoids and betalains that make up its anti-inflammatory properties.

We will provide information about the crop on sites, where subscribers/contributors will also be accredited for their support.

Your help is instrumental in inspiring real change, as we transition into a more resource based society